
In the stock era, four new growth tracks for the big home furnishing industry have emerged!

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After more than 20 years of rapid development, the real estate industry is ending the golden stage of incremental housing and entering the silver age of stock housing.

Accompanied by two changes in the market environment, one is that the demand for redecoration, renovation and Transformation Driven by the stock houses may surpass the new houses. The second is to explore corresponding product, marketing and service strategies for the mining of stock market.

At the same time, the main track of large household enterprises is being adjusted. The deep cultivation of the stock housing market, bag carrying and whole business, smart home, resource activation of old customers, etc. may lead to future performance growth.

Track 1: looking for business opportunities in the old house renovation and improved decoration market

For a long time, the prosperity of the large home furnishing industry mainly benefited from the growth of new commercial housing. The incremental housing that has been advancing for many years has contributed applause and flowers.

Obvious changes are taking place. The growth of the total number of new houses has dropped to about 5%. In addition, the proportion of hardbound delivery has exceeded 30%, which reduces the opportunities for new houses to be left to the large household retail circle.

The secondary and tertiary decoration and partial renovation of the existing houses, with intensive demand release, constitute a new engine for the home decoration industry.

There is strict data support behind this judgment. First, from 2007 to 2011, the real estate market was in a high-speed development stage, during which the houses sold were entering a high incidence period of redecoration.

Moreover, among the customers of some household brands and dealers, the proportion of existing houses has exceeded 70%.

According to the analysis of construction and financing investment, from 2021 to 2030, the compound growth rate of renovation demand for existing houses is 6.72%. Meanwhile, the total number of existing houses to be renovated will reach 99.32 million. According to the average customer unit price of 20000 yuan, the stock housing market is expected to create a scale of 1.99 trillion yuan for the furniture industry in the next decade.

Products, solutions and services that meet the needs of the stock market are likely to take the lead to the greatest extent.

In this regard, many enterprises have started to operate, and the common practices can be summarized into three categories: first, opening stores in the community; Second, fast renewal service; The third is to launch special products and packages to meet the needs of improving the decoration of existing houses.

For example, europay's old kitchen renewal and kitchen renovation alliance, Hengjie's flash smart toilet renewal service, and Qumei home renewal are focusing on the stock market.

It is worth noting that the improved owners generally have high requirements for products, and pay attention to the sense of design, art and functionality. Enterprises have responded to this change. Whether it is the hundreds of new product launches we observe every year, or the head exhibition sites such as Home Expo (Guangzhou), a large number of enterprises start from the aspects of design, quality and function to meet the needs of improvement.

Taking the 2021 Fair (Guangzhou) as an example, hundreds of design brands appeared, and dozens of representative brands from the original furniture industry participated, such as Ritz, Mumei, Pusu, Ronglin Liangchen, hc28, etc. to interpret the aesthetic value, which fully considered the satisfaction of the needs of improved home decoration and brought a new atmosphere to the home consumption market.

Based on the current information, this year's Home Expo (Guangzhou) has attracted brands such as federal, Jianwei, connaiden, stillland, Milo home, chic CASA, Kezhi home, Yueli, Shedu, gujia home, Xilinmen, mengbaihe, Yalan, Shuda, and silinbelan. It is expected that a large number of high-value products will appear again, bringing fresh experience to the stock market.

Track 2: one stop consumption has become a trend, which is good for the market such as bag check-in and the whole family

The development of the stock market will face the problems of scattered passenger flow and lower signing conversion rate. In this case, it is necessary for enterprises to pay attention to every customer resource and do their best to tap and meet their needs.

In view of this market situation, starting with one-stop consumption, providing multi category integration services, whether it is customization for the whole family, or bag check-in, decoration, etc., will be the best strategy for at least two reasons:

First, the provision of the overall home furnishing scheme has the potential to create a better shopping experience and improve the transaction rate;

Second, the customer value can be improved through assortment of multiple categories, so as to fully tap the customer value.

The market shows great enthusiasm for multi category integration. From the consumer side, taking the decoration as an example, according to the 2021 decoration consumption trend report of Tuba rabbit big data research institute, the number of one-stop decoration users in 2021 will increase by 160% compared with 2020.

Moreover, the exploration of one-stop home consumption is in the accelerated stage, forming a variety of modes, such as door and wall cabinet integration, guest dining and sleeping room furniture integration, cabinet, clothing and wood integration, overall soft decoration, bag check-in, whole family customization, and overall sleep scheme.

In each track, a large number of powerful brands have emerged, such as Zhibang, gold medal, europay, Sofia, etc. in the cupboard; Federal furniture, europay, apple of the eye, yadu, Sofia, etc. in the field of whole house customization, whole house decoration and bag occupancy.

In recent years, at the Home Expo (Guangzhou), more and more bag brands have also appeared, such as the full case 5D customization of Federal furniture; The whole house configuration of Jianwei household; One stop furniture of Meishen; Hyundai Zhumei checked into the whole house for decoration; Stiroland's overall space solution; The suite series of mobile home, etc.

From the perspective of enterprise layout, it is expected that the trend of the overall home furnishing scheme will continue in 2022. At present, several brands have pushed the exhibition information of the one-stop whole house scheme. For example, Baicheng demora has made efforts to the high-end whole house brand, highlighting the integration of product originality and systematic furniture; As a systematic furniture brand of the whole house, milom Casa launched high-end customization, space customization and other programs.

Track 3: smart home may become a trillion level new battlefield

Smart home can be regarded as another upgrade and replacement of traditional home, such as smart mattress, smart bed, smart lock, smart curtain, smart toilet, smart lamp, etc., which are the performance of upgrading traditional products.

The consumer side has greatly welcomed this upgrade, especially the delivery of hardbound houses and the improved decoration in the stock market, which have become the stage of smart home.

First, in the field of hardbound house delivery, the matching rate of smart home has maintained an increase for many years. According to the statistics of ovicloud, the matching rate of smart home has reached 89% in 2021, especially for smart locks, smart security, smart toilets, smart home systems, smart switches, etc.

The second is improved decoration and home consumption. Smart home products will have a broad application space.

According to the 2022 sleep consumption report released by jd.com, the sales volume of smart mattresses in 2021 increased by 2.4 times year-on-year. In addition, at the sleep festival in March 2022, the turnover of JD home smart mattress increased by 414% year-on-year.

In addition, according to qijia.com's report on home decoration users during the COVID-19, disinfection cabinets, ultraviolet disinfection lamps, intelligent toilet covers, clothes care machines with sterilization function, medical boxes with sterilization function, intelligent shoe cabinets with drying and sterilization function, etc. remained hot during the epidemic.

In particular, the intelligent sleep category has benefited from the strong growth trend and broad prospects. At present, it has become a must for the sleep brands of the first and second echelons, and dozens of new and cutting-edge forces with rapid growth have emerged.

At the Home Expo (Guangzhou) to be opened on July 17, 2022, an exhibition with the theme of smart sleep was specially opened, involving smart mattresses, smart beds and related ecology, bringing together mainstream brands at home and abroad, including Shuda, jinke'er, tapur, Luojia, Shushi, Huashui, Emma Emma, myside, Xilinmen, dream lily, mousse, Kingston, etc., to build a new smart sleep scene.

And smart sleep ecological chain enterprises such as Juyou technology, yunzhimian, Xiangran smart bed and Jiechang technology will participate in creating smart sleep solutions based on different scenarios such as office, hotel and home, which is expected to further drive the maturity of models and products.

The integration of various forces is driving the strong growth of the market and giving birth to huge opportunities.

According to IDC's statistics, the shipment of smart home devices will exceed 250million in 2021, and the compound growth rate in the next five years will reach 21.4%. It is expected that the market shipment will be close to 540million units in 2025.

According to the 2020 smart home ecological development white paper issued by the smart home industry alliance, the scale of the smart home market increased from 260.85 billion yuan to 514.47 billion yuan from 2016 to 2020, with an average annual compound growth rate of 18.51%.

Overall, the smart home market is still in the growth stage, with a penetration rate of less than 10%. There is a long adaptation process from traditional home to smart home.

During this period, the technology will continue to progress and the experience will become better and better. With the scale of home users, it will undoubtedly achieve greater explosion.

Track 4: old customers become the resources that strategists must compete for

In the renovation and decoration of the existing houses, it is worth paying attention to the improved decoration. Such owners pay attention to the brand, pay attention to the product quality, and have a high customer unit value.

At the same time, the improved owners often have experienced one or even two times of decoration, have certain experience, and have become old customers of some household brands.

Undoubtedly, it is very important for manufacturers to maintain the attraction to this customer group and win their continuous recognition.

Some home furnishing enterprises are taking various measures to enhance the stickiness of old customers and have announced specific results. For example, Merck home furnishing disclosed that by the end of 2021, the number of members had exceeded 420000; In 2022, the number of users of gujia care, a service brand under gujia household, will exceed 1million.

Both mousse and Xilinmen have launched their member centers. Among them, mousse has long promoted the golden housekeeper service, supported local dealers to organize door-to-door services such as mite removal, and launched activities such as the super mousse powder Festival, boosting the referral rate of old customers in some regions to as high as 40%.

At the same time, more dealers have paid attention to the investment in old customer service, started to improve the quality of delivery and service, gained good reputation from customers, and laid a foundation for future re purchase and re introduction.

In the interview of "Jingying people" organized by the Home Expo (Guangzhou), some big businessmen also mentioned the importance of old customers, and took various measures to activate the repurchase of old customers and bring new ones with them. For example, the Herun family in Chengdu revealed that the focus this year is still on the return of old customers, which will be greater, and more time, energy and financial resources will be spent on the return of old customers. Instead of waiting for new customers, it's better to maintain the old customers, build a good reputation and drive the introduction.

The winners of every era can always step on the pulse of the market at that time, see the track of power, and then go all out to take advantage of the situation. At present, the transformation and upgrading of the stock era has begun.

Is it an opportunity or a challenge? We need to find the password of nuggets. The above four new growth trends may help us build a fulcrum for breaking the situation.

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