
Take your heart back to your place and quickly enter the working state - it's the right time for central reserve Fusen to forge ahead

尊龙新版官网网页版General company 1192

After the long Spring Festival holiday, some employees may still be immersed in the aftertaste of the festival, with poor mental state, some laziness, some irritability and other phenomena; It is extremely important to help employees to get their minds together and find their working state as soon as possible. As the Spring Festival draws to a close, all branches and departments of the central reserve and Fusen group have successively held closing work meetings, of which the group's leadership bears the brunt, takes the lead in holding work meetings, and then the security department has held work deployment meetings one after another; The purpose is to mobilize department members to quickly focus on all work and devote themselves to all work, so as to make a good start for business development this year. After a week's work, the relevant work of various departments has been carried out one after another, and everything is on track.

Follow your example. During the Spring Festival, the staff of security administration and other departments stick to their posts to ensure that their business will not be affected during the festival. They are busy for a moment. The high sense of responsibility and professionalism of these employees who live in small homes and take care of everyone are models worthy of learning. We should follow the example of these employees, stick to our posts, concentrate on our duties and be meticulous. After a happy and peaceful Spring Festival holiday, we should clear up our mood as soon as possible and devote ourselves to work, so as to give full play to the energy accumulated in the festival and face the work of the new year with a new face.

Take responsibility. Focusing on responsibility means that we should restrain ourselves with a high sense of responsibility for the work and the company, unify our thoughts into the work deployment of the company, and receive our hearts into their respective posts. How to ensure the realization of various work objectives requires each of our employees to be responsible for the implementation of each work, not only to refine and quantify the work indicators, but also to grasp the process, strictly manage and implement in place. All these require us to start immediately, inspire our spirit, quickly open up the work situation, and invest our efforts to promote the work. There can be no slackness or laziness.

Pay attention with pragmatism. As the saying goes, "a year's plan lies in spring". In this beautiful spring of all things, it is particularly important to start well and take good steps. To this end, each employee should clarify their ideas, plan as soon as possible, make overall arrangements and work pragmatically. They should not only think carefully and make careful arrangements to organically connect the work before and after the year, but also start, promote, make efforts as soon as possible and strive for practical results, so as not to delay the business development of the whole year, present a new atmosphere for the work and raise the work of the whole year to a higher level.

The new year has passed. Let us all learn to pay attention to our role models, responsibilities and pragmatism, cultivate the hope of a good spring, strive for a good start, sound the horn of progress for the realization of the benchmarking task of the whole year, and pay our own strength for the further development of the central reserve Fusen group.

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