
Premiere of the film "warm bridge" jointly produced by the central reserve and Fusen

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On October 26, the premiere of the film "warm bridge", sponsored by the central reserve Fusen group, was held at CGv studios (Longquan IMAX store). The film starred by well-known actor Yue Hong and was adapted from the real story in Longquanyi District. At the film viewing scene, many viewers were moved to tears by the warm story of the film.

The film "warm bridge" focuses on a community cadre in Chengdu - Zeng Mingxiu, Party Secretary of Chongde community, Longquan street, Longquanyi District (pseudonym "Zhou Mingxiu"). The style of the film is plain and warm. The picture is beautiful, the details are real and touching. At the same time, it also vividly shows the daily life of the community. In the community, the grass-roots cadres and the masses are like a family. They have understanding and confusion, estrangement and contradictions, and help each other. The Female Secretary Zhou Mingxiu is like a solid and reliable crutch, helping the masses in difficulty through the thorns. A small community, but full of ups and downs, all kinds of life.

At the premiere, Longquanyi District singer Longjin sang the movie song "care" on the spot, while the Golden Rooster queen Yue Hong, who played the heroine of the film, couldn't come to the scene in person due to her itinerary, but she still appeared at the premiere in the form of video blessing. In the short film, Yue Hong expressed her blessing for the premiere of the film, He also expressed his deep understanding of community work after playing the role of Secretary Zhou, and paid tribute to the conscientious community cadres.

Yu Yong, chairman of the central reserve Fusen group, and the company's leaders watched the film on site!

The audience who watched the film at the premiere were also deeply shocked by the selfless dedication and service spirit of grass-roots cadres in their work shown in the film, and aroused strong resonance for the firm faith, belief and confidence conveyed by the film. The film will be released in the city cinema from now on. In the centenary of the founding of the party, building a harmonious relationship between the party and the masses is also an important lesson in party history education. I hope all the audiences in Chengdu will go to the cinema to cheer up for the films made in Chengdu, and look forward to more wonderful local literary and artistic works coming to the cinema to meet the audience in the future!

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