
Meeting Communiqu é of the Fourth Council General Election Conference of Shuangliu Private Economy Association Yixin Branch in 2022

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On November 17, 2022, the "Fourth Council General Election Meeting of Yixin Branch of Shuangliu District Private Economic Association (hereinafter referred to as Yixin Branch)" was held in Xishu Family Conference Room, No. 158, Section 2, Huayang Huafu Avenue, Shuangliu District, Chengdu.

The meeting held an election on "electing the members of the new council team". The fourth council team of "Shuangliu District Private Economy Association Yixin Branch" was elected in the form of "show of hands". The meeting was a complete success.

Fu Yi, Secretary of the District Association, Yang Minglong, President of the District Association, Yu Yong, Gao Youjun, Luo Xiaoyan, Long Xujiang, Zhang Bin, Yi Yuanhong, Ding Sheng, and leaders of the sub district office, the market supervision office, and the police station attended the meeting.

At the meeting, President Yu Yong made a report on the work of the third session of the Council, elaborating on the achievements and roles of the Council's leadership during its tenure.

Under the circumstances of rampant epidemic, unstable market and sluggish industry, President Yu Yong actively organized and led Yixin Branch to actively respond to the government's call, not only to do a good job in its own epidemic prevention and control, but also to shoulder the responsibility and responsibility of the branch and assist the government in implementing epidemic prevention and control.

During the epidemic, fully assist in the deployment of epidemic prevention materials of member units; Organize all member units of Yixin Branch to learn the knowledge process of epidemic prevention and fighting at the place designated by the government; The government has strived for the member units to return to work and production as soon as possible.

At last, President Yu Yong pointed out: "The convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward for the first time the idea of promoting the development and growth of the private economy. The report also made many new and important statements on promoting the development and growth of the private economy, pointing out the direction for our private economy to achieve high-quality development. The next step of the Yixin Branch must follow the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: adhere to the principle of" trust, unity and service "for private enterprises of non-public economy, We will resolutely follow the Party. "

President Yu Yong read out the "list of candidates for the fourth council members" at the meeting, and the council members were elected by the council members.

President Yang Minglong of the District Association held the first meeting of the fourth session of the Council, and elected the president, executive vice president and president of the new Yixin Branch Council in the form of "show of hands". Then President Yang Minglong read out the resolution of the meeting:

Yu Yong served as the president of the fourth council of Yixin Branch, Gao Youjun and Yi Yuanhong as vice presidents, and Zhang Bin, Luo Xiaoyan, Hu Xianjiang, Ding Sheng, Long Xujiang and Jiang Xuebao as vice presidents.

Later, the new leadership of Yixin Branch Council awarded medals to the member units of the Council.

President Yu Yong said: "At today's member congress, all members recommended me to be elected as the president of the fourth Yixin Branch. I would like to express my deep gratitude! At the same time, I will continue to carry forward the good tradition and style of the previous session, unite the members of the branch as always, give full play to the positive role of each director, lead the members of the branch to work together, overcome difficulties, innovate and develop, and do more work for the construction and development of the branch Work. "

At the meeting, Fu Yi, secretary of Shuangliu District Association, Yang Minglong, president of the District Association, leaders at all levels of the neighborhood office, the market supervision office and the police station delivered a speech for the "2022 Fourth Council General Election Meeting of Yixin Branch of Shuangliu District Private Economy Association", which was a complete success.

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